Desugar Addr::builder()

Even if you will mostly be using the convenience builder to start your actors, its good to have an understanding of how things work at a lower level. So what would things look like if we wanted to manually create an actor? We will keep the simple example from the last chapter but desugar it. We already showed the desugaring of the async_fn macro. Here we show a full working example with the main function as desugared as we can. Just know that there are intermediate steps on the builder API if you only want to override certain parameters.

   thespis         :: { *                         } ,
   thespis_impl    :: { *                         } ,
   async_executors :: { AsyncStd, SpawnHandleExt  } ,
   std             :: { error::Error              } ,
   futures         :: { channel::mpsc             } ,

#[ derive( Actor ) ]
struct MyActor;

struct Hello( String );

impl Message for Hello
   type Return = String;

impl Handler< Hello > for MyActor
   #[async_fn] fn handle( &mut self, _msg: Hello ) -> String

async fn main() -> Result< (), Box<dyn Error> >
   let (tx, rx)  = mpsc::channel( 5 );
   let tx        = Box::new( tx.sink_map_err( |e| Box::new(e) as DynError ) );
   let mb        = Mailbox::new( Some("HelloWorld".into()), Box::new(rx) );
   let mut addr  = mb.addr( tx );
   let actor     = MyActor;

   let handle = AsyncStd.spawn_handle( mb.start( actor ) )?;

   let result = Hello( "hello".into() ) ).await?;

   assert_eq!( "world", dbg!(result) );

   // This allows the mailbox to close. Otherwise the await below would hang.
   drop( addr );

   // The JoinHandle will allow you to recover either your actor or the mailbox.
   let actor = match handle.await
      MailboxEnd::Actor(a) => a,

      // This would happen if your actor had panicked while handling a message.
      MailboxEnd::Mailbox(_mailbox) => unreachable!(),



In thespis you can choose what channel will be used for communication between the address and the mailbox. Out of the box the builder supports futures channels, in bounded and unbounded forms. But you might want to try a different channel type. One interesting application is if you want to use a channel that overwrites older messages instead of providing back pressure, like the one in the ring-channel crate.

The abstractions the thespis types work on are defined as:


fn main() {
/// Interface for T: Sink + Clone
pub trait CloneSink<'a, Item, E>: Sink<Item, Error=E> + Unpin + Send
   /// Clone this sink.
   fn clone_sink( &self ) -> Box< dyn CloneSink<'a, Item, E> + 'a >;

impl<'a, T, Item, E> CloneSink<'a, Item, E> for T

   where T: 'a + Sink<Item, Error=E> + Clone + Unpin + Send + ?Sized

   fn clone_sink( &self ) -> Box< dyn CloneSink<'a, Item, E> + 'a >
      Box::new( self.clone() )

/// A boxed error type for the sink.
pub type DynError = Box< dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync >;

/// Type of boxed channel sender for Addr.
pub type ChanSender<A> = Box< dyn CloneSink< 'static, BoxEnvelope<A>, DynError> >;

/// Type of boxed channel receiver for Mailbox.
pub type ChanReceiver<A> = Box< dyn futures::Stream<Item=BoxEnvelope<A>> + Send + Unpin >;

Thus the sender must implement Sink, Clone, Unpin and Send and it's error type must be Box< dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync >. The receiver must be infallible and implement Stream, Send and Unpin. If your favorite channel implementation does not provide the Sink interface on it's sender, you can often wrap them and implement the Sink yourself.

Mailbox and Addr

Next we create our mailbox and address:

fn main() {
let mb       = Mailbox::new( Some("HelloWorld".into()), Box::new(rx) );
let mut addr = mb.addr( tx );

The first parameter on Mailbox::new is an optional name. This will be used in logging to help you identify which actor is doing what. Every mailbox created in the process will also have a unique numeric id, but you can also name them to make it easier to understand your logs. Addr also exposes both the id() and name(). If two addresses return the same id, they both talk to the same mailbox and thus actor.

We feed both ends of the channel to the constructors of Mailbox and its addr method. You may notice that we just created both the mailbox and the address without even having instantiated an actor yet. That is because we only really need an actor when we start the mailbox. This has an interesting property. If we want our actor to have a copy of it's own address, we can just pass it along in it's constructor, since as soon as we start it we can only communicate to it through messages. It would be a bit of a pain to have to create a specific message type to give the actor it's own address.

Starting the mailbox

fn main() {
let actor  = MyActor;
let handle = AsyncStd.spawn_handle( mb.start( actor ) )?;

Next we create an actor and pass it to Mailbox::start. This method returns a future that you can spawn however way you like on the executor of your choice.

We use the AsyncStd wrapper from async_executors here. One essential difference with using async-std directly is that the joinhandle this returns will cancel the future when you drop it, which is a way you can stop an actor. The recommended way is to drop all addresses to the actor.

Stopping the actor

fn main() {
drop( addr );

As described above, to drop an actor we drop all addresses to it. Now we can await the mailbox which will terminate.